About Reading Buddies

Since March of 2020, our group of founders has been working to provide an enjoyable way for developing readers to practice and improve their reading skills.

Reading Buddies was conceived during the initial lock-down stage of the pandemic. At the time, students were isolated and unable to attend school. Many articles and news segments discussed the increased challenges caused by the pandemic for younger students, particularly for those who were already beneath reading proficiency standards. Not being able to attend school, these students received less 1:1 time with teachers, reading specialists, and librarians. We saw an opportunity to start a reading service that would help these students practice reading and have fun with an older buddy. Although children have returned to school, the need for additional reading practice remains. We want to help developing readers who are not meeting proficiency standards - or developing readers who would like some extra practice - improve their reading skills and develop a love of learning. 

Additionally, Reading Buddies provides a meaningful service opportunity for high school students who are grateful for their educations and would like to help younger students build a skill that is crucial for lifelong learning.